ISSN: 0254-8372 | eISSN: 2636-0578
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    1. Publication Ethics

  • Bylaws of Research Ethics for JED Contributors

  • 1. General Provisions

  • (1) The purpose of Bylaws of Research Ethics for JED Contributors is to prescribe the ethical standards demanded for all authors whose papers are submitted, processed, and published by the JED and for all members of the JED editorial board and ad hoc referees.

  • 2. Ethical Standards for Paper Contributors

  • (2) Manuscripts must be the original work of the authors and they must not be under review elsewhere at the time of submission to the JED. Papers that are mere translations of an already published paper in another journal or papers that contain materially insignificant marginal revisions are excluded from further processing.

    (3) The authors listed in the submitted paper should include only those who actually participated in and contributed to the contents of the paper. The list of the authors can be in any order, but in all cases except for a single author, the name of the leading author or the corresponding author should be explicitly provided. The author who claims to be a single author despite the fact that there are other explicit or implicit co-workers for the work should obtain consent from all of them prior to the submission.

    (4) The author(s) should summarize others' work or cite part of a published or unpublished work in the paper, they should provide the source in the text and list it in the reference section of the paper.

    (5) The author(s) should not fabricate the research data. After the publication, should the JED office or readers make requests upon computer programs and data used in the paper to verify the correctness of the result, they should provide them immediately. For this purpose, the corresponding author should keep computer programs and data at least 5 years upon the date of publication. Should the author(s) find the incorrectness of computer programs and data after the publication so that the paper is expected to contain serious defects, they should notify the JED office immediately.

    (6) If there have been financial supports or other forms of provisions from institutions or individuals, the author(s) should acknowledge the fact. If the paper contains confidential data belonging to parties other than the author(s), the consent from those parties should be obtained by the authors prior to the submission.

    (7) The author(s) should abide by any applicable bylaws and a social common notion related to the researchers' ethical standards that are not explicitly prescribed in these Bylaws.

  • 3. Ethical Standards for JED Editorial Board and Ad Hoc Referees

  • (8) The JED Editorial Board should pay all due attention to observe whether the submitted papers are indeed in accordance with these Bylaws.

    (9) The JED Editorial Board should make the best efforts to assign professional and anonymous reviewers for the paper. The reviewers should not be currently tied to the author(s) with the submitted paper.

    (10) The reviewers should make every effort to assess both fairly and impartially the originality, correctness, and academic contribution of the paper they review.

    (11) If the JED Editorial Board and reviewers have a strong reason to believe that the submitted paper is currently under review elsewhere or possibly a plagiarized article or that there is an almost identical work conducted by different authors at the time of the review, they should notify the Editor-in-chief immediately. The Editor-in-chief should take proper action to examine the case following the procedure prescribed in these Bylaws.

    (12) The JED Editorial Board and reviewers should make their best efforts to process and handle the submitted paper promptly.

  • 4. Penalties

  • (13) The managing editor should immediately notify the corresponding author of the fact if any, that the submitted paper has potentially violated these Bylaws. The managing editor should call for the commencement of an examination by the JED editorial board members. In this case, the JED editorial board should provide the corresponding author(s) with sufficient opportunities to defend themselves. No response from the author(s) is regarded as the admittance of the alleged violation of these Bylaws. The JED editorial board decides by a majority of two-thirds of domestic board members present. Submitted papers decided to have violated these Bylaws shall be decided as 'outright reject' and the review process stops for good.

    (9) The JED Editorial Board should make the best efforts to assign professional and anonymous reviewers for the paper. The reviewers should not be currently tied to the author(s) with the submitted paper.

    (14) In the case where the published article is found to have violated these Bylaws, Article 13 of these Bylaws shall equally apply and proceed accordingly. As such, the violating paper shall be deleted from the JED web site permanently and be notified to relevant parties such as the Korea Research Foundation (KRF)

    (15) The Bylaws of research ethics for JED contributors take effect from July 15, 2007.