ISSN: 0254-8372 | eISSN: 2636-0578
Home > About > Peer Review Policy

    1. Statement of Peer Review Policy

  • Journal of Economic Development (JED) maintains the standards of peer review while increasing the efficiency of the process. All published articles in JED have undergone a rigorous peer review process based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by two referees. The ultimate purpose of peer review is to sustain the originality and quality of research work and the filtration of poor-quality and plagiarized articles. Peer review assures research quality.

    All research articles published in the Journal of Economic Development undergo full peer review, the process is listed below:

    - Every submitted manuscript will be screened by anti-plagiarism software to check the authenticity of the article with a maximum similarity score of 15% to avoid plagiarism.

    - The submissions that pass the plagiarism check are initially reviewed by the chief journal editor. At this stage, manuscripts may be rejected without peer review if it is felt that they are not relevant to the journal or are not of high enough quality. This fast rejection process enables authors to obtain a quick decision, and they do not need to wait for the review process to be completed.

    - Manuscripts that are not instantly rejected are sent out for peer review, usually to two independent reviewers selected by the Editor.

    - The article is returned to the Editor along with a recommendation as to whether reject the article, revise it or accept it. Based on the feedback from these reviewers, the associate editor, and the editor's judgment, a decision is given on the manuscript.

    - The article is returned to the Author along with the reviewer’s feedback.

    - The Editor receives the updated article and sends it to the reviewers for re-evaluation or to the publication department

    The Journal of Economic Development adheres to a policy of double-blind reviewing, in which the identity of the author and reviewer is, as far as possible, kept hidden.